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We love sharing how we help doctors protect themselves and their practice by getting to the heart of the most common problems doctors face.

Hiring Advanced Practice Providers Mar 21, 2023

Advanced practice providers are a key part of helping a medical practice operate effectively, and it can boost income for the supervisory physician. However, too many people either overlook hiring APPs or just don’t know how to go about it the right way. Having the right advanced practice...

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Dealing With Difficult Patients Feb 28, 2023

You are trained in medical school to be compassionate, kind, and empathetic to patients who come see you when they’re in pain or peril. You work hard to treat all of your patients with dignity and respect. You never imagine that the very patients you work hard to treat will treat you...

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How to Handle Your Medical Practiceā€™s Next Audit Feb 24, 2023

No one expects a government auditor to send an unsolicited letter asking for records, and it’s scary when someone in a suit shows up at the office flashing a badge saying there’s a problem. It’s vital that you’re properly prepared to handle an audit when the government...

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Doctors ā€“ Watch Out for These Contracts Jan 20, 2023

Physicians need to be careful when navigating the complex world of contracts. When it comes to the federal fraud and abuse statutes, contracts have consequences. It’s important that you know how to spot a bad contract so that you don’t get into trouble.


Here is how to guard...

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How to Negotiate a Lease for Your Medical Practice Jan 09, 2023

At some point in your career, you’re probably going to have to negotiate a lease for your medical practice, so it’s important that you know how.


Educating yourself on the basic concepts of leases can help you make sure you don’t get stuck in a sticky situation. 


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How to Safely Make More Money In Your Practice Jan 01, 2023

Doctors go to medical school to help people, but also to make a comfortable living. There is nothing to be ashamed of by trying to maximize the money that you make and find every legal avenue to bring in revenue for your family.


In this guide, I’ll show you THREE WAYS you can make...

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