$1,000.00 USD

3 monthly payments


90 Day Notice Program

Your career transition isn't just taking another job, it's a leap upwards.

Let's make your next move your best move.


When you join the 90 Day Notice Program, you'll get:

šŸ“• Online Workbooks and Training Videos: We provide a step-by-step path of what to do so you find your leverage, learn how to survive where you are, and be prepared for the next phase of your life. From day one, we'll assess your current contract and go through the basics.

šŸ… Expert Advice: Stop the endless Googling. Anytime you're in doubt, our experts are on hand with strategies, direct guidance on next steps, and advice learned in the trenches. Amanda is a healthcare attorney and Amy is a surgeon and professional physician coach.

šŸ’ŖšŸ¼Live calls: We're here to FUEL your progress every month. Experience the power of our weekly calls, Q&A's, videos diving into contracts, and clarity & confidence coaching calls. Bring your challenges and questions, and leave with actionable solutions.

šŸ“šOn-Demand Library: Can't attend live sessions? No problem! Dive into our on-the-go resources, featuring a on-demand replay library. Designed for the time-conscious doctor, we ensure growth and learning never skip a beat.

 šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø Private Networking Community: We are there to answer questions, share ideas, and cheer each other on.

No more sleepless nights worrying if you have to stay in this job forever.

We want to be who you count on when it comes to job transitions.


If you join before February 20, 2024, you'll get:

(a) Two free 1:1 sessions with Amy Vertrees, MD

(b) A free All About Contracts Course, taught by Amanda Hill, JD (a $799 value)



The course is $2997, but you can pay in three monthly installments of $1000 each. If you pay in full, you get extra stuff. šŸ˜Ž

What People Are Saying:

Ninety Day Notice helped me change the way I saw myself ā€“ and helped me write my OWN story, so I could learn my own value and how to better sell myself. Iā€™m thankful that now, Iā€™m able to better articulate my own worth.

Jenna Kazil, MD