This is an amazing opportunity to get in the mind of a healthcare lawyer, without paying a high legal fee to do so!
After this course, you will be able to better understand the elements of a physician contract, know the importance of how to negotiate, how to fight for what you're worth, how to get out, and other contract provisions are explained. You will also be well versed in the new FTC rule and the status of the issue, and you will feel more confident and secure going into any contract negotiation.
What you'll get:
- Videos from Amanda ranging from the three main parts of an employment agreement (termination, compensation, and non-compete)
- A video with her take on the FTC rule on non-competes
- A video on HOW to negotiate
- A video about contract provisions, explained
You also get a POWER HOUR with her for the price of this course. The call is offered every month at 10 am on the third Saturday. When you sign up, you'll get the link to attend whichever one works best for your schedule. This is the opportunity to ask questions and listen to what other people are asking!
Given her rate as a lawyer, this is an amazing deal.
This is a limited time offering and may not always be available. Please check out the other courses on the Guard My Practice website to learn more.